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Business Processes Mapping

What is a Business Process?
A business process is a collection of interrelated activities that takes one or more kind of inputs and creates an output that is of value to the customer.

Lets walk to McDonald’s. Your favorite fast food restaurant. What kind of business processes you can find there? 

Example: Preparing a Burger Meal

  • Activities - Take order, prepare meal, deliver meal 
  • Inputs - Burger bun, meat, tomatoes, potatoes, labor, etc. 
  • Output - Hamburger

Why Process Mapping?
Because… These questions require a good, documented and communicated understanding of business processes! 
  • How do the processes look like? 
  • How do we know that we manage our processes well? 
  • How can we train staff in our processes? 
  • How can we ensure required process compliance? 
  • How can we design and use IT to support our processes? 
  • How can we organize and conduct process improvement?

Process mapping?
Break down the process in to activities/steps and visualize it pictorially to highlight the flow of performing them.

Process mapping - Characteristics
A visual representation of a flow of a process for a product or service. Within specified boundaries. Uses symbols and arrows to display inputs, outputs, tasks performed and task sequences. Helps to analyze the process. Also referred to as Flow charts or Flow Diagrams. First step in Process improvement effort.

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